PES 2019 Gameplay Patch B.I.G by BlackSunIT - PESNewupdate
PES Gameplay

PES 2019 Gameplay Patch B.I.G by BlackSunIT

PES 2019 Gameplay Patch B.I.G by BlackSunIT

PES 2019 New Gameplay Patch by BlackSunIT

New gameplay patch for PES 2019 PC. You can feel the diffrence between this gameplay and vanilla version. You can also combine this gameplay mod with modified .exe gameplay by Incas36 or Hels.

*Note : Modified .exe gameplay only works with Steam release.

Note from BlackSunIT:

This BIG, that’s for Blacksun, Incas and gabe

This is a mixed version of the first mikecpulevel from incas (i found it the more “freeplay no script” until now), players from gabe2 slowversion (more interceptions) and some tweaks by me (sliding, firstcontactmargin, teams that play directly on the field and so on) .

I did 3 matches on superstar, 5 min time each and the results are good for me: no script, enough fouls, competitive but credible IA.

Last match was a 1-4 for me (ManU), with this dt stats matters (better to be used with bromi database) and Tottenham had Gazzaniga as gk that did two mistakes, defence was lead by two youngsters (there’s an infamous bug that brings tottenham to selling all the main defenders at the beginning of the master league :CONFUSE:) and so this is it.

How to Use :
1. Extract with WinRAR, Go to the location below and backup your original dt18_x64.cpk

C:Program Files(x86)steamsteamappscommonPRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019data

2. Rename dt18_x64_B.I.G.cpk to dt18_x64.cpk

3. Now replace / remove the old dt18_x64.cpk with the new dt18_x64.cpk.

4. Play
Credits : Incas36, Gabe.Paul.Logan, BlackSunIT


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